25 Projects Awarded Funding Through Round Two of Cuyahoga County Healthy Tree Canopy Grant Program

Over 4,000 trees to be planted through community-wide effort

In its second year of funding, the County will invest $950,000 into its tree canopy by funding 25 projects for tree plans and tree planting sponsored by area municipalities, neighborhoods and nonprofits through the Cuyahoga County Healthy Tree Canopy Grant Program. This funding will spur the creation of 20 tree planting projects, five tree planning and planting projects and one new County tree nursery.

Preliminary map of 2021 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program awards

This innovative grant achieves an action identified in the County’s 2019 Climate Change Action Plan through the annual contribution of $1 million dollars for five years to revitalize the tree canopy in Cuyahoga County.

Working closely with communities, neighborhoods, and nonprofits, we’ve been able to make critical improvements in tree canopy coverage in areas that tend to be more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

– County Executive Armond Budish

The County’s 2019 Urban Tree Canopy Assessment showed slightly more than 100,000 acres (34.7 percent) of all land in Cuyahoga County is tree canopy, with an additional 371,000 acres available for tree canopy. The first round of funding identified over 15,000 sites available for tree planting in multiple municipalities. Projects were selected based on a variety of factors, with special consideration given to projects that align with the County’s equity and vulnerability goals.

“We are making great progress toward our goal of increasing our tree canopy as we continue to plant thousands of trees across Cuyahoga County,”
 said County Executive Armond Budish. “Working closely with communities, neighborhoods, and nonprofits, we’ve been able to make critical improvements in tree canopy coverage in areas that tend to be more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. I applaud municipalities for their dedication to increasing their canopy coverage, which will ultimately improve the well-being of all residents.”

This second round of grants supports the implementation of community urban forestry plans, expanding tree canopy through community reforestation projects and implementing high impact reforestation projects. The Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program will gather data about each project, monitor its success, and produce an annual report that will better inform project selection and funding for each successive year of grant funding.

“Trees are critical for so many things—helping with local air quality and storm water runoff, providing summer shade and minimizing air conditioning costs, and generally assisting with overall mental health. That’s why the County continues to put resources into helping strengthen tree plantings in communities,” said Cuyahoga County Sustainability Director Mike Foley. “Planting trees is important, but making sure they are healthy and will survive for the next 50 to 75 years is paramount for a successful tree canopy restoration program. This grant program allows us to continue to increase our canopy across dozens of municipalities in a healthy and sustainable way.”

Over 4,000 trees will be planted during this second phase, which will bring the total number of trees planted across both rounds to over 5,400. In addition, one tree nursery will be created in the City of Parma through this grant funding. Overseen by the West Creek Conservancy, Stearns Farm in Parma will serve as a fully functional native tree nursery, garden compost processing site, vegetation research location and “native Ohio wildflower” nursery.

“The County Planning Commission is honored to be part of this program committee and commend the County Executive for making funding available,” said Planning Commission Director Mary Cierebiej. “The interest in the Tree Canopy Grant Program was even greater this year than in 2019. We encourage applicants that did not receive funding to apply next year; we are happy to provide guidance. Our tree canopies are critically important to the future of our communities; we are thrilled to see the significant number of trees that will be planted as part of the 2021 program. We encourage every community in Cuyahoga County to consider sustainable and healthy growth as your plan for your future.”

For more information, click here: https://www.countyplanning.us/news/grants/25-projects-awarded-funding-through-round-two-of-cuyahoga-county-healthy-tree-canopy-grant-program/

Cleveland Tree Coalition applauds Cuyahoga County’s $5M proposed funding commitment for trees

CLEVELAND, OH (April 18, 2019) – During today’s State of the County address, Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish announced that he will present to County Council a $5 million investment to support increasing the region’s tree canopy cover over the next five years.

“I am pleased to be able to propose this lead funding to County Council for the critical work of rebuilding our tree canopy,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “Trees are key to remediating climate change. With a strong canopy we will be much more resilient to climate change and we will, in the long run, save money and reap health benefits. Trees are the ultimate Green Machine.”

Cuyahoga County’s tree canopy, the layer of leaves, branches, and stems of trees that cover the ground when viewed from above, stands at 38 percent. However, the percentage varies by community and neighborhood, meaning that county residents do not equally experience the myriad benefits that trees provide.

Downtown Cleveland has among the lowest tree cover in the county—just 4 percent of downtown is shaded by trees—which negatively affects energy costs and air quality for residents and visitors. Though Cleveland’s tree canopy cover was once nearly 40 percent, today it stands at just 19 percent. The Cleveland Tree Coalition has proposed a goal of 30 percent tree canopy cover for the city by 2040, which would require a significant investment in planting and maintenance. Executive Budish’s proposal represents the first major investment in helping achieve a healthier urban forest for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.

“In order to support a healthy and thriving region, we must invest in trees,” said Rich Cochran, president and CEO of Western Reserve Land Conservancy. “We applaud Executive Budish’s leadership in growing our region’s tree canopy cover. Trees are a critical piece of our community infrastructure because they provide important environmental, economic, and health benefits.”

“We’re thrilled to hear about Executive Budish’s strong support for planting trees,” said Jill Koski, president and CEO of Holden Forests & Gardens. “A healthy urban forest provides innumerable benefits to our community, including improved health and wellness, increased climate resilience, and a multitude of economic benefits. This investment in our county’s tree infrastructure will be a big boost to regional revitalization efforts.”

Holden Forests & Gardens and Western Reserve Land Conservancy are leadership partners in the Cleveland Tree Coalition, a collaborative group of public, private and community stakeholders that have partnered to rebuild our urban forest. Additional leadership partners include the City of Cleveland, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Cleveland Metroparks, and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. The Cleveland Tree Coalition formed in 2015 to create a healthy, vibrant, sustainable, and equitable urban forest by working collaboratively to implement the Cleveland Tree Plan. Cleveland Tree Coalition members are excited about this announcement, noting that this is a critical step in the fundraising effort to make Cleveland the “Forest City” once again.